The name of this organization shall be:
Union County North Carolina Beekeepers Association (UCNCBA), hereafter identified as UCNCBA.
ARTICLE 2 Type of Club
The UCNCBA is a social club of beekeepers and is a Registered North Carolina Non-Profit Organization.
Employer Identification Number (EIN) is 81-4430097
Tax status is not a 501-C3.
ARTICLE 3 Objectives
The objectives of this Non-Profit Organization are as follows:
Teach and encourage the proper methods of beekeeping that lead to healthy honeybee colonies.
Maintain friendly and helpful relations with the North Carolina State Beekeepers Association (NCSBA) and the North Carolina Cooperative Extension-Union County Agency.
Work to make Union County, North Carolina a “bee friendly” location and environment.
Encourage pollinator-friendly planting to help the honeybee population increase.
Promote the importance of honeybees and beekeeping for the sustainability of NC agriculture.
ARTICLE 4 Members
Anyone interested in honeybees and or beekeeping may join the UCNCBA upon payment of the $10.00 annual dues. The right to vote for Executive Officers at the November Club Meeting shall be limited to paid members in good standing.
ARTICLE 5 Executive Officers and Directors
The Executive Officers of the UCNCBA and their terms are as follow:
Term (years) Vote in November
President 2 (Vote on even for odd start and alternating years with the VP)
Vice President 2 (Vote odd years to start on January of even year)
Secretary 2 (Vote on even for odd start and alternating years with the Treasurer)
Treasurer 2 (Vote odd years to start on January of even year)
Director Positions that are appointed by the Officers:
Technical Director 2 (Even year)
FFA/4H Director 2 (Even Year)
Events Director 2 (Odd year)
Education Director 2 (Odd year)
Membership Director 2 (Even year) serves with Secretary.
Coordinator Positions that are appointed by the Officer and Directors:
Education Coordinator 2 (Even year) serves with Education Director
Education Coordinator 2 (Odd Year) serves with Education Director
Historian/GAP Coordinator 2 (Even Year) serves with Membership Director
Public Events Coordinator 2 (Odd year) serves with Events Director
Hospitality Coordinator(s) 2 (Odd year) serves with Events Director
Mentorship Coordinator 2 (Odd Year) serves with Education Director
The Officers shall be considered as the Executive Committee.
The Officers on the Executive Committee will be elected by a majority vote of the members present at the November meeting and hold office from January through December for the years elected until their successors are elected or appointed.
The Officers will appoint the Directors. Directors will assist the officers with input regarding club decisions. Directors will be included on the board and receive one vote per director.
The Board will include the Executive Committee and the Directors.
The coordinators will work with and support their assigned Directors or Officers with assigned club business.
For sake of expediency or when physically assembling is not possible, the Executive Committee may use email or text to vote. The Secretary will enter the vote into the minutes at the next board meeting and make the Directors aware.π
Board Meetings will be held in person or virtually each Monday before the monthly meeting if the schedule permits. Board members must attend these meetings. If multiple meetings are missed and affects the operational capability of UCNCBA, the Board will send an email warning and at their discretion may replace the Board member.
In the case of any board member vacancy due to disregard of duties, disrespect for the by-laws, inappropriate behavior or acting in any way that disparages the club or North Carolina Cooperative Extension-Union County Agency; the President may appoint a member to serve during the remainder of the term.
In the case of the President being removed, the VP shall take over the duties, and a VP shall be assigned from current Board positions. If this results in a Board vacancy, the Officers may request a replacement. No person shall be elected to any office without his or her consent.
ARTICLE 6 Dues: Local, State, and Life Membership
Union County North Carolina Beekeepers (UCNCBA) dues are $10 (ten dollars) per person per year.
Monies collected for local dues should be deposited into the UCNCBA bank account promptly.
North Carolina State Beekeepers (NCSBA) dues. Members are encouraged to pay state dues directly via the NCSBA website.
The dues acceptance period begins November 1st for the upcoming calendar year. Membership enrollment is valid from January 1 to December 31 of the calendar year.
A UCNCBA who is delinquent in payment of dues after January 31 of the current year will be dropped from the roll of membership.
A person who has been dropped from the roll of membership for nonpayment of dues may be restored to active membership by paying current year dues.
Life Membership may be conferred, by the Executive Committee of UCNCBA to a member who has contributed in an outstanding way to the beekeeping community. No dues are required of Life Members.
ARTICLE 7 Meetings
There shall be regular monthly Club meetings open to all members on the third Monday of every month unless the Agricultural Center or Simpson Event Center (SEC) is unavailable. Guests are encouraged to visit except member-only meetings or functions such as the November Meeting for Elections of Officers, Code of Conduct Review and Partnership Guide for N. C. Extension-Union County Center Review.
Members will be notified of upcoming meetings via email and/or online calendars.
The time and place for each meeting shall be decided on by the officers of the UCNCBA. Normally this is the Agricultural Center located at 3230 Presson Dr., Monroe, NC, or the Simpson Event Center located at 307 Cultivation Circle, Monroe, NC. If this is not possible, the Board must make the necessary arrangement for the meetings.
Member/Seller for any event at the Agricultural Center: Shall ask for permission from the Board and the Ag Center before selling any product.
If events are held off the Agricultural Center property, Member/Sellers must get permission from the host of the event.
A 50/50 Raffle will be held at general meetings. The proceeds shall be deposited into the general fund.
ARTICLE 8 All Committees
The Executive Committee shall consist of all the elected officers of the UCNCBA, namely: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The immediate past President shall be an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee without any voting capability. The Executive Committee has authority to transact business on behalf of the UCNCBA.
The Auditing Committee shall consist of three Directors. Its duty will be to examine and audit the books of the Treasurer and make recommendations on their findings within the first quarter at a regular club meeting.
The Nominating Committee shall consist of three members (the Chairman appointed by the President), whose duty will be to nominate and present a slate of officers for the November meeting. Other names may be submitted from the membership at large at the time of the election.
Special committees may be appointed by the President consisting of a minimum of three members whose duty will be to serve as directed by the President.
ARTICLE 8A Bee School Committee
Bee School Committee: Bee school committee shall be appointed by the Executive Officers. There will be a Director and two Coordinators to assemble the class schedule, topics, speakers, instructors, and field day assignments.
Any member of the Board may attend meetings and offer assistance.
Members may work together and make decisions about all aspects of the bee school, including books, instructors, PowerPoint presentations, content of bee school, emails sent to students, tee shirts, printing costs, and any other aspect they deem necessary.
The Executive Committee has final approval of all elements associated with Bee School.
Education Director and Education Coordinators:
Shall make arrangements to access the Agricultural Center and request dates and times of events.
Shall vote on items within the Bee School Committee and inform the Executive Committee.
All votes and actions should be presented to the Executive Committee in a timely fashion. The President may veto any decision the committee makes if the decision or decisions are in violation of any club rules, UC Extension Guidelines and Policy and regulations (by-laws) unknown to the committee.
The Executive Committee will be copied on all emails and notices for Bee School. The Secretary may assist in correspondence with Bee School participants.
Will keep the technical director informed of all necessary flyers, notifications, and request help in getting information across social media outlets.
The Education Director will keep an up-to-date spreadsheet of students.
Shall make sure tables and chairs are set up before the classes.
Shall contact speakers for each class session and verify at least one week before class.
Will contact companies for donations and giveaways for classes.
Work with the Mentorship Coordinator to facilitate mentors for new students.
ARTICLE 9 Quorums
Two-thirds of the officers constitute a quorum of the Executive Committee.
With prior notification of the November Club meeting, via email, only the member’s present at this meeting will constitute a quorum for the transaction of voting for the Executive Officers and a majority vote of the members present at the November meeting will result in the Election of Executive Officers, acceptance of UCNCBA By-Laws and the acceptance of the Union County Agricultural Center Policies and Procedures and the review and acceptance of the UCNCBA/Extension Code of Conduct.
ARTICLE 10 Duties and Requirements of Officers
The President’s qualifications:
Must be an active club member for two consecutive years.
Must be a member of the board for at least one year.
The President’s duties follow:
Presided over meetings of the UCNCBA using parliamentary procedure and Robert's Rules of Order.
Outline the things to be discussed at the monthly meeting and notify the Secretary.
Hold monthly board meetings.
Maintain transparent communications between the Board and members of the club.
Make day-to-day decisions about UCNCBA activities.
Deposit and disperse monies if the Treasurer is unable.
Maintain an open relationship with the Agricultural Center and North Carolina State Beekeepers Association.
Work with NCSBA on projects both local and state.
Focus on increasing membership.
Maintain Mailbox subscription and monitor for new mail.
Deliver all files and records to a successor.
Budget needs to be submitted by the November board meeting for the following year.
The Vice President’s qualifications:
Must be an active club member for two consecutive years.
Must be a member of the board for at least one year.
The Vice President’s duties follow:
Perform the duties of the President in his or her absence or upon the President’s request. If the Vice President is unable to perform this duty in the absence of the President, then the Vice President may request another officer to act in his or her stead.
Keep track of Directors events and plans.
Make sure events and plans stay on schedule.
Focus on increasing membership.
Helps Directors with events and plans.
Backs up Secretary when not available.
Manage club assets.
Work with NCSBA on projects both local and state
Organizing the rental of equipment
i.e. extractor & tools
Deliver all files and records to a successor.
Budget needs to be submitted by the November board meeting for the following year.
The Secretary’s qualifications:
Must be an active club member for one year.
Must have basic knowledge of MS Office and email or be willing to learn.
The Secretary’s duties follow:
Record the minutes of the UCNCBA at each regular and called meeting.
Notify the membership of upcoming meetings.
Maintain files of the minutes and by-laws.
Maintain files of communications and publications.
Arrange for a substitute if absent from the meeting(s).
Maintains up to date email list based on member list.
Must have the email list updated before any communication is sent out.
Maintain the Master Membership List.
Deliver all files and records to a successor.
Budget needs to be submitted by the November board meeting for the following year.
The Treasurer’s qualifications:
Must be an active club member for one year.
Must be willing to submit to a background check.
The Treasurer’s duties follow:
Receive all monies from membership dues, sales of goods, gifts, or any other source.
Deposit all receipts in the UCNCBA bank account.
Make expenditures to cover authorized invoices, reimbursement forms, budget expenditures from the UCNCBA bank account.
Report the following at each meeting:
Receipts total
Expenditure total
Cash on hand total
Maintain accurate records showing the receipts/disbursements of monies.
The books shall be closed before each regular January meeting and a complete report of the financial standings given to the UCNCBA at that time.
Oversee the compliance of all approved budgets.
Maintain a complete inventory of any UCNCBA properties, location, and estimated value and serve as custodian of the properties.
The books/records are subject to unannounced audits by the Audit Committee.
Deliver all books and documents to the successor at the end of the term of office, having had them audited at this time.
Deliver all files and records to a successor.
Collect and review budgets submitted for the upcoming year. Present combined budget list to the Executive Committee at December board meeting.
Director qualifications:
Must be an active club member.
Must have basic knowledge as listed below.
Must be willing to assume duties as listed below.
Must maintain an honorable position and uphold the UCNCBA By-Laws.
Duties for all Directors
Focus on increasing membership.
Help officers make challenging decisions.
Interface with community businesses/leaders and offer names of speakers they feel will benefit the group.
Interface with club members and the community.
Technical Director duties follow:
Manage the UCNCBA website as a focal point for Union County Beekeepers.
Facilitate electronic communication between members.
Ensure the databases used by UCNCBA are web-based and secure.
Review presentations validity and audio equipment for club events.
Maintain the club's social media platforms.
Help directors maintain communication with club members.
Keep track of required technology renewals.
Deliver all files and records to a successor.
Budget needs to be submitted by the November board meeting for the following year.
Events Director duties follow:
Obtain speakers for each monthly club meeting (to be prepared 6 months in advance).
Organize volunteers for events.
Create and maintain public education days.
Create committees to help with events.
Maintain monthly club meetings and get togethers.
Create educational events for members, i.e., field days, hands on workshops, etc.
Work with Hospitality Coordinators for supplying food and drinks as needed for events.
Work with Public Events Coordinator for education events outside of club meetings.
Deliver all files and records to a successor.
Budget needs to be submitted by the November board meeting for the following year.
Education Director duties follow:
Develop and coordinate bee school with help from co-chairs.
Work with the Mentorship Coordinator to develop the mentorship program.
Develop and maintain the curriculum for Bee School set forth by the North Carolina State Beekeepers Association Master Beekeeping Program.
Create educational events for members.
Become an authorized proctor with the NCSBA Master Beekeeping Program to administer and report test results from Bee school or appoint another person approved by the board to do this.
Comply with all Proctor requirements set forth by NCSBA Master Beekeeping Program.
Deliver all files and records to a successor.
Budget needs to be submitted by the November board meeting for the following year.
Membership Director duties follow:
Develop and maintain an accurate list of paid members in good standing.
Encourage membership renewal and paying dues on time.
Work with the Secretary and Treasurer to ensure the Membership list is complete and accurate.
Track and report volunteer hours to ag center every month
Deliver all files and records to a successor.
Budget needs to be submitted by the November board meeting for the following year.
Officer functions may be combined and served by one person, i.e., a Secretary/Treasurer may serve both functions; the Vice-President may function as a V.P. and Director. Also, consideration may be given to term limits to encourage different ideas and approaches, depending upon these of the organization.
ARTICLE 11 Social Media
Social Media Positions:
Administrators shall be appointed by the president and must be a board member.
There must be at least two Administrators at all times.
Members do not have to be part of UCNCBA but do need to follow the guidelines set forth on the social media platform per the UCNCBA Board.
Administrators should remove any posts:
which contains foul language.
any offensive posts that demean a person or situation.
is irrelevant to the betterment of beekeeping.
must notify other administrators when a post is deleted and why.
ARTICLE 12 Disciplinary Actions
All positions held within the Union County Beekeepers Association understand any and all materials used by the club for educational purposes or to enhance the beekeeper experience are property of the club and not that of the individual. Each position upon close of tenure must return any and all equipment, publications, materials, etc. Failure to return any equipment or materials that are club property will result in expulsion from the club and possible legal action. In addition, any person involved with UCNCBA will be respectful to each person. Disrespect, gossip, slander and so forth will not be tolerated. Such persons will be removed immediately from the club and will be notified via email and certified letter for reasons of dismissal.
ARTICLE 13 Speakers
Speakers may or may not be a UCNCBA member.
Speakers may be booked for monthly meetings, bee school and any special events.
If more information is needed before their presentation, the speaker may attend a board meeting for consideration. Any board member may bring a future speaker to a board meeting for consideration.
ARTICLE 14 Spending
All expenditures from an approved budget are reimbursable.
Any expenditures not included by the approved budget must be presented to the Executive board before the expense is incurred.
< $500 can be approved through a text message or email with the Executive Board.
All other monies >$500 need to be approved through monthly board meeting.
ARTICLE 15 Amendments
Any member may propose Amendment(s) to the By-Laws.
The amendment(s) should be presented three months before a vote.
The By-Laws may be amended at the annual November meeting by two-thirds vote of members present. In the event of the proposed amendments not being accepted, a special meeting will be called to discuss proposed amendments and a revote will occur during the November club meeting or the next scheduled club meeting if a resolution is not made during the November club meeting.
ARTICLE 16 Dissolution
At the time of dissolution, the UCNCBA assets will be distributed by 50% to The Endowment Fund of NC State University, tax id – 56-6000756 and 50% to North Carolina State Beekeepers Association.
Upon acceptance by vote of the UCNCBA Members, these By-Laws supersede all previous By-Laws.
These By-Laws were read and approved by a two-thirds vote of UCNCBA Members present on: