Who we are:
The Union County NC Beekeepers Association (UCNCBA) is a group of people who enjoy bees, removing bees and swarms, honey, learning from each other, and enhancing the art of beekeeping.
Meetings are held at the Union County Agricultural Center, 3230 Presson Dr. Monroe, NC 28110.
We normally meet at 6:30 p.m. on the 3rd Monday of every month. If it is a holiday the meeting may be moved to a Tuesday. This will be announced in the newsletter and on the home page of the website.
Meetings are informal and address the following topics:
Opening invocation
Short business discussion
Featured speaker/subject
Discussion (fun part)
Bee School 2x a year
Come to a meeting! You will be greeted warmly.
Mission Statement:
Encourage better beekeeping methodology and edify each member of the UCNCBA.
Promote cooperation among the beekeepers of the county, state and nation.
Reach a common understanding regarding our problems and their solutions.
Maintain friendly and helpful relations among beekeeping advocates.
Promote public awareness of honey bee importance.
To Join:
Come to a meeting, sign up and share in the fellowship!
Dues: $10 a year for UCNCBA
Optional Dues: Additional $15 for the NCSBA (NC State Beekeepers Assoc.)
Meetings: Meetings are held at 6:30 p.m. the 3rd Monday of every month unless stated otherwise. See the calendar on the homepage for more information.